Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Summer Mixed Media Art Journal Pages

"Imagine Home" - collage
"Magic Here" - collage
"To Be is To Create" - collage
"Octopus Lady" - collage
"First Time" - collage; front page of a handmade book/journal; paper Fabriano Artistico 140lb

"Imagine" - collage; 3 page in a handmade book/journal; paper Fabriano Artistico 140lb
"Many paths - which one is mine?"- Peerless watercolor in Moleskin
"The Birth of Creation" - Peerless watercolor in Moleskin
"Hope"  - Peerless watercolor in Moleskin
"Be Original"
- Peerless watercolor in Moleskin
"My Tree"
- Peerless watercolor in Moleskin
"Design for Fabric" - Peerless watercolor in Moleskin

"My Life"
- Peerless watercolor in Moleskin


  1. Definitely not "that lazy", Vanja! Wonderful and inspirational. (Now you've inspired me to get moving on a blog post!)

  2. I have inspired someone - that is my goal and it makes me sooo happy. Thank you Cheryl for this post. I am still trying to figure out "blogging" :-)

  3. These look awesome seen all together. Great pen-work and collage!

    1. Thank you so much Steph. I have been enjoying every step of the way

  4. Wow these are just beautiful.. :)
